Charity Gala Evening of Solomiia Begun in PARIS. ENG

The event is organized by Solomiia Begun in partnership with CosmoLady Ukraine. Solomiia is the president of the international Franco-Ukrainian Association “Paris-Ukraine Ile de France.” For several years now, she has been supporting Ukraine and is a cultural ambassador of Ukraine and France in the world.

The purpose of the event:
-To prevent the attention from weakening towards the ongoing war in Ukraine.
-Charity Auction to raise funds for the rehabilitation of children in Ukraine with rare diseases requiring specialized urgent treatment (Birds for Sofia Foundation). A collection was organized for an operation for Alexander Samus (Instagram: samus.sasha.10).
-Support of Ukrainian gastronomic culture. Two years ago, Ukrainian borscht – a true “star” of Ukrainian cuisine, entered the list of intangible cultural heritage of UNESCO. This dish was presented at the evening, accompanied by artisanal bread, which is also a symbol of Ukrainian gastronomy. To this end, the famous restaurateur Liliya Pochkun flew specially from the UK, conducted a master class on cooking borscht and baking bread, and treated the guests.

{Liliya Pochkun is the author of the BorschToGo project, which originated in Cambridge. The project’s mission is to make borscht as popular worldwide as Japanese ramen for the sake of Ukraine’s revival. She is also a co-owner of the GLEK restaurant in Kyiv and the co-owner of the craft cheese brand SIROMAN, which were presented at the evening’s reception.}
The guests were greeted by a musical quartet, raising their glasses to the exquisite Champagne ARLAUX (a family winery with a thousand-year history).

The evening opened with a presentation of the mega-project “Golden City of ART – MARC” by founder Yulia Katsianova, the business ambassador of Ukraine to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
“This project – right here and right now, will be presented for the first time in the world. And for us, it is a great honor to be involved in this grand event!”

{Yulia Katsianova is the owner of the International center NEO 7, the owner of the Fashion House VoleeYu, and the President of the Association of Designers of Ukraine. She is the first European woman to become the Designer of Royal Families (Dubai, Kuwait, Qatar, Oman, Saudi Arabia). A Ukrainian who is part of the Royal Family Al Saud, she created a unique event called Fashion-Opera for the world’s richest company Saudi Aramco.}
The highlight of the evening was the Charity Auction, during which guests were offered the opportunity to purchase unique items. Every person of goodwill offered their works of art (paintings, jewelry art pieces, Ukrainian wine…). It is worth noting some exclusive lots, such as a sculpture of the President of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelensky, created by Brazilian artist and sculptor Marcos Marin.
The wine masterpiece «BIG WINES BIG ART limited edition», was graciously provided by Nataliia Burlachenko, director of the company Big Wines in Ukraine. The development of this limited edition wine bottle of Odessa Black grape variety, involved the famous artist Ivan Marchuk, with his painting “Awakening”, the symbolism of which is hard to overestimate.
The Ukrainian Lobortas Classic Jewellery House, whose clients include presidents, celebrities, etc., specially created a pendant with an Angel based on the drawing by 14-year-old Alexander Samus from Sumy for our event.

“Today we have gathered not only to spend a beautiful evening but also to help children in Ukraine who have serious genetic diseases and need urgent medical assistance. Alexander has had spinal muscular atrophy since childhood. Thanks to support, the quality of his life improves and the progression of the disease is slowed down. This year he will undergo a serious operation on his spine. It was not just the purchase of an Angel. The guest who acquired this pendant became an Angel for Alexander and for the children waiting for help.”

Also a highlight of the event was the musical accompaniment by the Ukrainian composer and virtuoso pianist Evgen Khmara. Evgen is the winner of the Hollywood Improv Competition and holds the status of YAMAHA ARTIST. Only a few musicians on the planet have this status, such as Elton John, Paul McCartney, and Justin Timberlake.